Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, March 11 2025 @ 11:46 pm EDT

Geeklog Forums

Story Edit Access


I just installed Geeklog 1.4.0sr4, and am just learning how to use it but I can't figure out the access. I currently have 2 users, Admin (who has root access) and me (who has Story admin and a few others). I just created a draft story as me and saved it, the access is set to 3 2 2 2 as per default, when I view the story list, it shows me as the author, but it says the story is read-only.

I can edit it as Admin, but I thought the author would be able to edit it too? Or am I missing something?




Further to this, if I login as Admin, and set the story permissions to 3 3 2 2, I still can't edit it as me, even though the story group is Story Admin and I am in Story Admin group. I don't understand this, can somebody point me in the right direction?




Oops sorry found this in the FAQ http://www.geeklog.net/faqman/index.php?op=view&t=23 - the topic wasn't editable by me. It does seem a bit weird though - requiring topic edit permission to edit an existing story.

In Unix, you need write perm on the directory to create a file, but only need read permission on the directory to edit an existing file. I think it makes more sense to do it that way with GL too, so that people in the Story Admin group can make changes to submitted stories without needing edit access to the topic.

Just my 2c


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