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phpBBBridge Installation - Then redirection

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Registered: 10/28/05
Posts: 33
I've put this up on the Turias website, but I figured I'd give t a shot here as well and see if anyone has come across this issue. From demo.turias.net:

Hello! I'm having an issue when trying to install the forums and bridge plugin. Actually, I don't get to the point where I can yet install the actual bridge plugin. After uploading all the files, and correctly editing the plugins config.php and the forums geeklog.inc files, I run the installation script for the forums.

I insert all the database information, run the installation, and it brings me to the typical "Your user has been successfully added, etc, etc..." and prompts me to click the finish button. At this point I'm expecting it to take me to the forum index where it tells me to delete the install and contrib folders (like all the other times I've installed this plugin), but it redirects me to the main install page where you enter all your databases info again. (http://url_to_phpbb/install/install.php)

I check the data base and all the tables have been entered. So I attempt to manually visit the forum index (http://url_to_phpbb/) and it again redirects me to the install script.

- I've dropped the phpbb_ tables and started from scratch a few times now, with the same result.
- I've checked the config.php in the plugins dir and the geeklog.inc paths to make sure they are correct a half-dozen times now, and still the same result.
- I've made sure I'm using the current (1.10) version of the mod and packaged forum software.
- I'm using GL v. 1.4.0sr5-1.

Any insight as to why this would be happening would be appreciated!

- Chris

Just as a few updates. (Thanks to mevans for all the help thus far!)

- I've checked permissions on the forum directory, which are set to 755.
- I've yet again tripple checked the geeklog.inc file, and made sure that $phpbbb_geeklog_public_html_dir was set to the path of my geeklog public_html.
- The auto generated config.php file which the installation creates DOES exist and the PHPBB_INSTALLED variable is set to true.

Just as a couple main points:

- phpbb_ tables WERE created.
- When you try to visit the forum homepage it redirects you to the installation page, phpbb/install/install.php.
- My ultimate goal is to migrate an old site to a new Geeklog installation, and when I have all files in place, drop all the old tables in the database and import the old database....simply visiting the homepage of my Geeklog installation returns the following URL:


themidnightorder.com, of course being the public_html dir for Geeklog...then as you can see it appends the full path to the install file.

Thanks in advance for any direction, and thanks again to mevans for all his excellent help thus far!

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Registered: 10/28/05
Posts: 33
When all else fails, start from scratch.

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