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Topic Restrictions
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Registered: 06/07/05
Posts: 21
I would like to create a topic called "Sponsors" under which I would place information about each of our sponsors as a unique story. The one one clicks on sponsors under the topics all would show. However, I want to make sure that only the admin can add into the sponsor topics and that no comments can be made to it. Over on the right hand side I would have a small menu listing the sponsors and a call could be made to a specific sponsor from there. Can these restrictions be made to a topic. Thanks.
"Justice through Science"
"Justice through Science"
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Posts: 70
It seems the answer is ... no. At least so far in my testing. It seems that everytime I restrict the topic to the point that only the people I want to see it in the pull down for posting a story, other users, including anonymous users can not see the articles. This seems to be a bug, as you can set which groups have access rights and can edit, but evevn if they are not a member of the group, they an select it from the Topic pull down. Am I missing something?
You can post a story/sponsor article and select the "Comments Disabled" under publish options. This would be per article posted.
As far as the second part of your question, you could make a block put html links to the articles of course using the name of the sponsor in between the brackets. Example:
and so on.
Hope this helps.
T.Marquez Jr. -
Webmaster -
www.indianapolisfilm.net - Geeklog 1.4.0sr5-1
You can post a story/sponsor article and select the "Comments Disabled" under publish options. This would be per article posted.
As far as the second part of your question, you could make a block put html links to the articles of course using the name of the sponsor in between the brackets. Example:
Text Formatted Code
<a href="http://yoursite.com/article.php?story=#####">Joe's Grill</a>and so on.
Hope this helps.
T.Marquez Jr. -
Webmaster -
www.indianapolisfilm.net - Geeklog 1.4.0sr5-1
Status: offline
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Registered: 06/07/05
Posts: 21
Tino thanks for the help. I decided to go with the block menu listing the sponsors and links on the left and then to link the sponsors to a static page listing all the sponsor info. This way the admin has total control. BTW I didn't know there was a filming community in Indianapolis. Once again thanks.
"Justice through Science"
"Justice through Science"
Status: offline
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Registered: 08/18/06
Posts: 16
If Geeklog submits stories then Geeklog don't checks is this topic editable for current user.
to fix this I modified submit.php (geeklog main html directory), function savestory.
Here is modified part from this function . (story editor can submit for every topic)
// ... ...
// line 492
$result = DB_query ("SELECT owner_id, group_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon FROM {$_TABLES['topics']} WHERE tid = '{$A['tid']}'" . COM_getTopicSQL ('AND'));
if (DB_numRows ($result) == 0) {
// user doesn't have access to this topic - bail
return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php');
$T = DB_fetchArray ($result);
$topiciseditable = SEC_hasAccess ($T['uid'], $T['group_id'], $T['perm_owner'], $T['perm_group'], $T['perm_members'], $T['perm_anon']) == 3;
if (
(($_CONF['storysubmission'] == 1) && !SEC_hasRights ('story.submit'))
|| (($_CONF['storysubmission'] == 0) &&
&& (!SEC_hasRights ('story.submit'))))
) {
// end of modifications
$introtext = addslashes ($introtext);
DB_save ($_TABLES['storysubmission'],
// ... ...
If Geeklog submits stories then Geeklog don't checks is this topic editable for current user.
to fix this I modified submit.php (geeklog main html directory), function savestory.
Here is modified part from this function . (story editor can submit for every topic)
// ... ...
// line 492
$result = DB_query ("SELECT owner_id, group_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon FROM {$_TABLES['topics']} WHERE tid = '{$A['tid']}'" . COM_getTopicSQL ('AND'));
if (DB_numRows ($result) == 0) {
// user doesn't have access to this topic - bail
return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php');
$T = DB_fetchArray ($result);
$topiciseditable = SEC_hasAccess ($T['uid'], $T['group_id'], $T['perm_owner'], $T['perm_group'], $T['perm_members'], $T['perm_anon']) == 3;
if (
(($_CONF['storysubmission'] == 1) && !SEC_hasRights ('story.submit'))
|| (($_CONF['storysubmission'] == 0) &&
&& (!SEC_hasRights ('story.submit'))))
) {
// end of modifications
$introtext = addslashes ($introtext);
DB_save ($_TABLES['storysubmission'],
// ... ...
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