Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, January 10 2025 @ 05:01 pm EST

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I've set the editor up but get this message 'unknown toolbar item "Fullwindow"'. I found a post on this forum about upgrading to new version but when I go to get it there is now a newer version than that available. I followed the fix as posted in this forum but get error symbol at bottom left of browser and none of the toolbars appear. Is there a simple way of fixing the version that comes with geeklog?


I've just done a fresh install of GL 1.4.0sr2 which my hosting company does for me automatically. The only changes I've made to any files is to change the advanced editor to 'true' in config.php yet when I try to contribute a story I still get the "fullwindow" error message and after what seems like ages for the editor to load I have no images for the buttons and the cursor just sort of hovers in the middle of white space that looks like should be a box or a table.

I've installed a few GLs (same version) on other sites the same way apart from trying out the advanced editor feature they all work fine. Is there something I'm not doing right here?

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FCKeditor should work "out of the box" (once you enable it in config.php). What won't work is trying to upgrade it yourself - please wait for Geeklog 1.4.1 there.

Having said that: You shouldn't be using 1.4.0sr2 any more due to security issues - one of which is in FCKeditor (or rather in the file manager that comes with FCKeditor).

bye, Dirk

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As far as I can see FCK is not included in the "Mail Users" mail utility. Is there any chance to include it there and does the mail utility support HTML (it says so)? Which HTML is allowed, there is no note?


I got in touch with my hosting people and they have since upgraded to the latest geeklog version. I installed it using their online control panel and everything works except the FCKeditor. The only thing I did was to change the advanced editor setting in config.sys from false to true. I still get the same error message which pops up twice 'unknown toolbar item "Fullwindow"' - the FCKeditor page still loads but is missing the buttons and emoticons and the text entry cursor sort of hovers in mid-air as the frames of the table isn't visable either.

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Quote by Dirk: What won't work is trying to upgrade it yourself - please wait for Geeklog 1.4.1 there.


Big things are in the works, apparently.

Sounds more like a 1.5 to me...

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Jupzzz, after I read this one, I gave it a try and indeed ... it works like a charm Mr. Green

Nice !!!
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Anyone a clue why FCKeditor does not respect the language choosen of the user choosen in Geeklog ?

I have the feeling FCKEditor is taking it from the regional settings instead.

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The editor's config file /fckeditor/fckconfig.js has an option for 'AutoDetectLanguage' and I suspect that will then use the browser's local language option. You can try setting this to false and setting the FCKconfig/DefaultLanguage setting. The available FCKeditor languages are inteh /fckeditor/editor/lang folder.

A note in the FCKeditor WIKI reads:
The browser’s language auto detection system uses the first available language that best fits the client settings. For example, if a client computer is set to Brazilian Portuguese and there is no pt-br.js file available, the pt.js is used if available. If still not available, the default language is used (from the configuration file, by default English).

It's possible that I could set the FCKconfig/DefaultLanguage setting to the members language option but the language names don't match so we would need to do some mapping and check if the user's preference language was even available in the fckeditor directory. Thats a little coding but possible.

I don't have other languages installed on my PC so I'm not even sure if the above language over-rides work manually.

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Hi Blaine,

Thanks !

I will give this one a go and play around with it in the new year and report back how it works.

Have a nice start of 2007 !
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Quote by: Blaine

I don't have other languages installed on my PC so I'm not even sure if the above language over-rides work manually.

Oh, I could test that! :wink: It would really be favourable it FCKed picked up the language from the GL language setting. It is especially disturbing when I want to take screen shots to explain non German speaking people something.

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