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Langluage & Geeklog 1.4.1b1
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as you know, if you dont select utf-8 users can not change langluage option on geeklog 1.4.1.b1.
But i dont want utf-8, because if i select utf-8 my (turkish) characters showing mistakely.
I if optimized other character set, other users can not change langluage. I think this is not langluage support (may be langluage effort!). Old version is better than..
But i dont want utf-8, because if i select utf-8 my (turkish) characters showing mistakely.
I if optimized other character set, other users can not change langluage. I think this is not langluage support (may be langluage effort!). Old version is better than..
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I think you should not upgrade to 1.4.1 if you are not ready to use utf-8. 1.4.0 works fine, and I haven't yet upgraded any of my sites, only developed a new one with 1.4.1b1.
Your characters are showing incorrectly because they must have been previously published in a different code base. So, if you want to change to utf-8, you have to convert those articles to utf-8 and re-post them.
Sooner or later you have to use utf-8 because that is becoming universal. By using utf-8, you will be ready for a more convenient future.
Your characters are showing incorrectly because they must have been previously published in a different code base. So, if you want to change to utf-8, you have to convert those articles to utf-8 and re-post them.
Sooner or later you have to use utf-8 because that is becoming universal. By using utf-8, you will be ready for a more convenient future.
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If you don't want to use UTF-8 then you can still do that - you will only lose the ability to switch languages. Just set your prefered language and character set in config.php.
Actually, I'm beginning to have second thoughts about that restriction ...
bye, Dirk
Actually, I'm beginning to have second thoughts about that restriction ...
bye, Dirk
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Quote by LWC: For future reference, I think he meant v1.4.1b1. There was no b2 when he wrote this.
ok i corrected..
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$lang = $HTTP_ENV_VARS['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'];<br />I have an another idea. Geeklog can select langluage automaticly by itself? For example google select your langluage by itself. Future versions may be can read header and set cookie lang option. This is not looking very hard. I looked to codes on internet looking possible. If important multi lang. support for geeklog, you must think this idea. Because dropdrown menus are very old!
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