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New Links Gone Unless All What's New Enabled

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Registered: 09/29/06
Posts: 27
The lovely bride of my youth, after seeing my first GL site decided to fire her web developer and have me re-do her site for her for free (gee, thanks, Honey....).

She opted for the "Simple_Navy" theme since modifying themes is about as foreign to me as a cheap straw hat.

Anyway, under "What's New" she doesn't want new comments or new trackbacks listed - just new stories and new links (and she gets all sweet and everything when she asks....)

"C'mon, Pumpkin throw me a hardball!" I smugly said - know exactly where in config.php I can accomplish just that - 'cept it doesn't work the way I expected.

Unless I have ALL the what's new options enabled, the new links disappear. So for example, if I disable new comments, new links goes with it.

I know links is a plugin, but why would those gosh-derned links be so stubborn about goin' to the dance alone?

So my question is: What painfully obvious thing am I missing here?

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Since Links is a plugin, new links should show up when you have $_CONF['hidenewplugins'] = 0. Comments shouldn't have anything to do with it.

Of course, you also have to take the plugin's setting, $_LI_CONF['hidenewlinks'], into account (in the Links plugin's config.php).

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 09/29/06
Posts: 27
Yep - I was incorrectly interpreting what "hide new plugins" means.

Thanks, Dirk! The bride of my youth thinks you're neater than her best horse.

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