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White noise in my log file

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Registered: 01/30/06
Posts: 24
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Greetings fellows,

My log files are filling up daily (to the tune of 1.5Mb or so) with references as follows :
[Wed Dec 20 15:41:28 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/web/white, referer: http://www.ukrease.co.za/index.php?msg=8

[Wed Dec 20 14:45:08 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/web/weather/white, referer: http://www.ukrease.co.za/weather/admin.php

There are hundreds per day and they are being generated by almost every call to any of my pages, even my phpBB2 Bridge, mediagallery etc etc..

I have scanned my config files manually, and done a grep on the entire web directory for any instance of 'white' and yet nothing is found that Ican pinpoint to the problem.

This is a most bizzare problem which I`ve been looking to solve for a while now, with no success.....

Any ideas where I may look, anyone else had this problem ?


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Registered: 10/20/03
Posts: 138
Its your weather.php

Broken Images - http://www.ukrease.co.za/weather/weather_details.php

1. http://www.ukrease.co.za/weather/white
2. http://www.ukrease.co.za/weather/white
3. http://www.ukrease.co.za/weather/white



I don`t understand, I have no weather.php file anywhere in my web tree, and the errors are not only being generated by the weather plugin, but by almost every page that is called, eg as per log below :

[Thu Dec 21 08:36:59 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/web/admin/white, referer: http://www.ukrease.co.za/admin/story.php?msg=9
[Thu Dec 21 08:33:52 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/web/white, referer: http://www.ukrease.co.za/users.php?mode=getpassword
[Thu Dec 21 05:52:38 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/web/white, referer: http://www.ukrease.za.org/index.php?topic=admintales
[Wed Dec 20 17:21:26 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/web/white, referer: http://www.ukrease.co.za/index.php

The list goes on....



Okay, start by disabling the weather plugin. Then check your pages, if its still causing errors in your logs, then try disabling another plugin and check again. Do this until you have found the plugin thats causing your problem. If after you have disabled all plugins and you still have the problem...read your logs again and repost your error log again, but a little bit more of it though. And also, double check your directory tree for directories that are not supposed to be there.


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