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Captcha 2.0.2 - Images not showing up

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Hey, y'all,

Upgraded to GL 1.4.1 today, and I installed Captcha 2.0.2. Installation went well, with a couple of hangs:

1. On the New User registration page, the Captcha image is not showing up. It does show the 'You must enter the graphic text' message, just no image.

2. On the Comments Submission page, Captcha is not showing up at all.

I've got config set to use static images. Other config settings:

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$_CP_CONF['anonymous_only']         = 0;    // set to 1 for anonymous users only,
                                            //   logged-in users will not see CAPTCHA
$_CP_CONF['enable_comment']         = 1;    // set to 1 to enable CAPTCHA for comments
$_CP_CONF['enable_story']           = 1;    // set to 1 to enable CAPTCHA for story submissions
$_CP_CONF['enable_registration']    = 1;    // set to 1 to enable CAPTCHA for new user registrations

I've got 'anonymous only' turned off, as I've still got some registered users who are suspect as far as being spam emails. I also want to use it on new users, comments and story submissions.

On second inspection, I'm noticing that Captcha is not showing up on story submissions, either.

What am I missing? Any help would be appreciated.

- Don

I should have mentioned: I was not able to set up GL with my config.php and other sensitive directories outside my 'www' directory, so I've got them set up in a protected directory in the 'www' directory. Could this be causing a paths problem?

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Which graphics driver are you using? Can you go ahead and quote that part of your CAPTCHA config file.

Give using the static image driver a try first, it should always work, then if that is working OK, we can start looking at using the dynamic creation by using GD libs or ImageMagick. But, both of those will require that true type font support was compiled in.


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Hey, Mark,

Using static images at this point.

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$_CP_CONF['gfxDriver'] = 2;                 // graphics driver
                                            // 0 = GD Libs
                                            // 1 = ImageMagick
                                            // 2 = No graphic driver, use static images

I'm just wondering if there's a paths problem happening due to having my site config in a protected directory.

- Don

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It is possible that having it in a protected directory. But, CAPTCHA only opens files in the plugins/CAPTCHA/ directory, it doesn't try to reference them directly, so it really shouldn't matter.

What CAPTCHA is trying to do is open a file located in:

$_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/captcha/images/static/'

So, if $_CONF['path'] is setup correctly, then it should work OK.

Are you sure the web server has read permissions on the above directory?


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I wasn't sure about perms, so I went to the 'images/static' directory and CHMODed it to 777.

New user reg still doesn't show images. Story submission and anonymous comments show no CAPTCHA stuff whatsoever.

I'm stumped.

- Don

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Can you give me your site URL and let me take a look.

Also, is there anything in your web server's log files or your Geeklog error.log file?


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Site URL: http://www.blah3.com/

The error log has a bunch of entries for someone trying to submit to the Events, nothing about CAPTCHA. Here's an example:

Text Formatted Code
Sat 06 Jan 2007 19:36:53 EST - Someone tried to submit an item to the event-plugin, which cannot be found.

The CAPTCHA log shows this:

Text Formatted Code
Sat 06 Jan 2007 16:25:16 EST - CAPTCHA: Detected an attempt to bypass CAPTCHA in comment - IP Address:

So I think part of it is working in some manner, but the CAPTCHA code isn't even displaying in comments.

Thanks for your help, Mark.

- Don

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Normally I can test drive the captcha by using this URL:


But in your case I get a 404 Page Not Found error. This makes me wonder if the the captcha/ directory is missing.

Whatever you have as your Geeklog public_html/ (where the users.php and other Geeklog files are located), there should be a captcha/ directory that has all the files from the plugins/captcha/public_html/ directory.

Is that missing from your site?


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Ah. That was it.

Had the wrong files in that directory. Everything works now.

Thanks, Mark! Wouldn't have found that on my own. Smile

- Don


I am facing a similar problem. Captcha is showing up on the new registration page but not on the submit comment page.

I have copied the captcha directory at the following paths

Have checked all the files but not sure what am I missing here. Please help. Thanks.

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It is probably one of 2 things.

You do not have it enabled for comments (this can be set in the CAPTCHA Admin section in the Admins only block)

or your comments template file (commentform.thtml and the advanced one as well) is missing the captcha tag that allows it to display

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One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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By default, captcha will not be shown to logged-in users. Are you testing with the "Anonymous" account?

Also, did you have a look in the settings? It's under "CAPTCHA" in the "Admins only" menu. Check that "enable comment" is ticked. If you want to show the captcha to logged-in users, too, then tick "Force CAPTCHA for all Remote Users".

Hope this helps...

[EDIT]: I guess that Tom beat me to it...


Thanks for the reply. I have checked and I have the {captcha} tags in commentform and commentform_advanced thtml files, automatically put in by captcha installer. And I have "Force CAPTCHA for all Remote Users" enabled as well.

No idea where it is breaking.


Also when I try to check smartphonegizmos.com/blog/public_html/captcha/captcha.php, the page says Invalid session id.

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Mine does that to. We should let Cordiste know (he is the current maintainer of the plugin) so he can just redirect the user to the homepage is someone tries to directly access that file.

You may want to take a look at the cofiguration. I notice you have a double slash in your url


URLs in the configuration shouldn't have any trailing backslashes.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Captcha is showing up on the new registration page but not on the submit comment page.

I tryed your comment form but I get the : "Sorry, to access this area you need to be logged in as a user." message.

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS


Hi Cordiste,

Thanks for the reply. Yes, we require a login for commenting to avoid spammers. Appreciate if you could create an account for yourself and help with fixing this. Thanks.

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Please, can you create a demo user account and send me the password?
I will have a look.

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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Location:la rochelle, France
Maybe there is also a path issue. See here.

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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