Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, January 13 2025 @ 01:03 pm EST
Geeklog Forums
Print feature for the Calendar??
I would like to make a monthly print out of my calendar of events to include in a mailed newsletter. Is there a feature (like the "print or email this article" function) that would let me print it out directly?
If there is a way to do that ... PLEASE let me know, or help me make it work. :pray:
I'm using GeekLog v1.4.0sr5-1
I just found this thread http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?forum=2&showtopic=72944&highlight=calendar
regarding using Total Calendar as a plugin and it works fine. It looks almost exactly like the Geeklog Calendar but the main difference is that there IS a print feature.
Seems to me like a print feature would have been standard procedure in the creation of the Geeklog calendar, right?
So, should I just take the calendar feature out and go the Total route... or, does someone know how to get the print feature in Geeklog to wok like Total Calendar.
regarding using Total Calendar as a plugin and it works fine. It looks almost exactly like the Geeklog Calendar but the main difference is that there IS a print feature.
Seems to me like a print feature would have been standard procedure in the creation of the Geeklog calendar, right?
So, should I just take the calendar feature out and go the Total route... or, does someone know how to get the print feature in Geeklog to wok like Total Calendar.
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