Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 03:21 am EST
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Forms in Static Pages?
Hello I have my first question that I hope can be answered soon.
I am new to Geeklog but not 100% ignorant to code and such, anyway I am trying to convert our old HTML site to the geeklog system; however when I am starting a new static page it doesn't want to save when I save code with forms in it.
Any ideas?
I am new to Geeklog but not 100% ignorant to code and such, anyway I am trying to convert our old HTML site to the geeklog system; however when I am starting a new static page it doesn't want to save when I save code with forms in it.
Any ideas?
OK I have just tried to add another page that is nothing serious some tables but again it will not save.
Quote by: Dirk
All HTML is allowed in Static Pages, so there shouldn't be any problems using forms there (and in fact I've uses them myself).
So what exactly is happening?
bye, Dirk
First Hello Dirk
OK so I try to add this page for an application http://www.kidsdefenseteam.com/forms/application.html as a static page. I have tried the code with the body tags and without the body tags but get the same result. When I click save the page goes to a 'Page cannot be found' BUT if I refreash the page it's there but not saved.
Another issue I have ran into a few times is editing blocks, some blocks I try to edit say I do not have permission BUT I only get that message with some things depending on the HTML I used for the box.
Thanks in advanced for the help, I am trying my best
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You have to modify the < FORM > tag so that it calls back to another staticpage that does the work.
Is the url in the action attribute valid? You have to modify it to be compatible with GL. And I doubt you can use the FrontPage extension with GL but I don't really know anything about FrontPage.
Text Formatted Code
<form method="post" onsubmit="return FrontPage_Form1_Validator(this)" name="FrontPage_Form1" action="../_vti_bin/shtml.exe/forms/application.html" language="JavaScript" webbot-action="--WEBBOT-SELF--">
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