Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, December 27 2024 @ 06:55 am EST

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Problem with new user regestration (not custom)


Hi there,

Im having problems with new users clicking on regester now and it takes them to a page were then can only supply a email and name then when they click accept it goes to a page with a displays this message : (. all there is is a imput for username and a imput for email then and tahts it) then you hit continue and u get this msg:

You have to enter the same email address in both fields!

How would go about fixing this?..

you can see this problem in action by going to <http://www.eoh.coz.in> and clicking on regester. Please i really need your help iv been pulling my hair out for days,

Kindest Regards,


As far as I can tell. you are using frames and I do not believe that the theme you are using supports framing. There was no way to validate your page for errors because of the framing issues you have going on. Try running the site without the frames and see if it improves. If this framing is due to your redirect, then contact http://www.c-o.in/myred/home.php to help you out. I did notice that you are using a theme that was outdated and may have not been updated. After a little digging, I was able to get to your real site and noticed some issues that should be resolved for security reasons. Send an email to me if you want me to point them out to you. I wont mention them in the open forums.



yeah im having the same problem. but i dont know what u mean by 'frames' and im pretty sure that the template that im using is updated for 1.4.1, mainly cause i dl it from that area of geekdowmnloads.com. if anyone knows exactly how to fix this, or could explain it to me that would be wonderful 8)


I'm having the same problem.

Go to
http://www.tacomamama.com to see it in action. You have to go so far as to enter your username and password, and submit them before you get the error.

Please help!

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With Geeklog v1.4.1, it requires that there be a confirmation email entry on the registration screen.

You can fix this issue two ways:
  1. Copy the users/registrationform.thtml from the professional theme to your custom theme
  2. Edit your custom theme users/registrationform.thtml and put the following lines after the email entry:

    Text Formatted Code

      <td class="alignright"><b>{lang_email_conf}:</b></td>
      <td><input type="text" size="32" maxlength="96" name="email_conf" value="{email_conf}"></td>

That should get you guys going.



ok i tried that, but now i get an SQL error whenever i try to access my site. i checked in my error logs and it said something about an incorrect key file in gl_sessions and that i should try to repair it. the only thing that i edited was the registrationform.thtml.

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Adding those fields to the registrationform.thtml would not cause a SQL issue. I would repair the database as suggested (hopefully you have access to something like phpMyAdmin or can contact your hosting provider tech support) and see if that solves the issue.

It might be more helpful if you could copy the exact error message here too.



hmm ok ill contact my host's ech support then

oh and heres the exact msg.

An SQL error has occurred. Please see error.log for details.

and heres what the error log says:

Incorrect key file for table 'gl_sessions'; try to repair it. SQL in question: DELETE FROM gl_sessions WHERE remote_ip = '' AND uid = 1


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Posts: 393
This one pops up in the forums a few times, see here for other solutions. Bottom line, you need to repair the table.


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