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Universal Plugin & API

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OK I have a database app that I would like to integrate into Geeklog to use username password and Group priveleges to authenticate users as as well as call the header and left side bar.
So is the universal plugin useable ? if not can it be made useable.
Also I would like a look at the API's.
Hopefuly the Unversal Plugin will enable me to achieve what I want easily....

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The Universal plugin should still be very much usable. The only exception being the install script, which requires register_globales to be "on". Use the install script from one of the plugins that ship with Geeklog instead - they can easily be customized.

For more information see the Plugin Developer's Guide, conveniently linked from the "Resources" block on the left (and also available from the wiki). The wiki also has an excellent Beginner's Guide for those new to Geeklog development.

bye, Dirk

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Quote by: Dirk

The Universal plugin should still be very much usable. The only exception being the install script, which requires register_globales to be "on". Use the install script from one of the plugins that ship with Geeklog instead - they can easily be customized.

For more information see the Plugin Developer's Guide, conveniently linked from the "Resources" block on the left (and also available from the wiki). The wiki also has an excellent Beginner's Guide for those new to Geeklog development.

bye, Dirk

Great, will it work with group permissions ? I saw someone who had struggled with it for 3 months some 3 years ago... ?
I have global registers on anyway... and php5

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
I have no idea what that other person was struggling with. Permissions are pretty easy to handle. Create a new group, then use SEC_inGroup("GroupName"Wink to check if the current user is a member of that group. Same thing with separate rights: SEC_hasRights('yourplugin.feature'Wink, etc.

This is all explained in the articles I pointed you to and you can find lots of sample code in Geeklog and its plugins.

bye, Dirk

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Quote by: Dirk

I have no idea what that other person was struggling with. Permissions are pretty easy to handle. Create a new group, then use SEC_inGroup("GroupName"Wink to check if the current user is a member of that group. Same thing with separate rights: SEC_hasRights('yourplugin.feature'Wink, etc.

This is all explained in the articles I pointed you to and you can find lots of sample code in Geeklog and its plugins.

bye, Dirk

Thanks Dirk,
I will have a go then

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