Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, September 07 2024 @ 09:48 pm EDT

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Article alterations

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Registered: 02/24/06
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Where can I alter the html fot READ MORE & COMMENT etc I see it for the story in the main window but when you click on the story there is no Comment option.
I would like to remove comment and read more options as well as contributed by, date etc... from the front page, alter CSS to underline the title on hover (can't find that in CSS...) but retain a comment option and the Contributed by and date info when you actually click on the story to read it (more logical after all to comment on an article once read...)

I mentioned some while ago that I would love to have the preview and main storiues as independant entities, is this any closer to comming out, it would be so good, i have major site (charity) comming online soon so would love to have that option.

I would also like to know how to create a what's new block for EACH TOPIC that would be a very tidy addition to a burgening site, major topic area's can be instantly viewable....

Anyhow, I'm still digging around the code....

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There's a whole bunch of variables available in the story templates. See if that helps.

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 02/24/06
Posts: 392
Thanks I got a lot of that, One thing in storytext.thtml I can change delete this
Text Formatted Code

   <div class="story-footer">
        {edit_link}&nbsp;{page_selector}<br />        {readmore_link} {post_comment_link}<br />        {start_comments_anchortag}{comments_with_count}{end_comments_anchortag} {start_trackbacks_anchortag}{trackbacks_with_count}{end_trackbacks_anchortag}

and the options appear in the ful story, but if I delete..
Text Formatted Code

   <div class="story-information">
        {story_date}<br />        {lang_contributed_by} {start_contributedby_anchortag}{contributedby_author}{end_contributedby_anchortag}<br />        {lang_views} {story_hits}

It does not appear in the full story, but I would like it gone on the front page and appear in the main story, how would I do that...

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