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autotags in headers

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Location:Boise, Idaho
We are discussing using autotags to generate a MediaGallery slideshow in a site header at gllabs.org.

(The idea is to have rotating images in the site header.) but we are not sure if the header code is run through the PLG_replaceTags() function in Geeklog. Can anyone confirm this?

Also, if this is the case, could one place code into the themes functions.php file, or in lib-custom that would enable autotags in header.thtml?


Synergy - Stability - Style --- Visit us at glfusion.org

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
It's a bit like with static pages (see discussion elsewhere in the forum): You can use PHP in header.htmtl. So why do you need autotags on top of that?

bye, Dirk

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Location:Boise, Idaho
Thanks Dirk for your quick reply!

The idea was to easily drop images into a photo gallery (using MediaGallery for example) and then use the javascript slideshow or flash slideshow autotag feature to have rotating images in the header.

If I understand you correctly though, I should be able to call a function directly in header.thtml that lives in lib-custom.php or the themes functions.php file, correct? For ie:

Text Formatted Code

<body dir="{direction}">
<div class="container">

<div class="titleblock"><h1><a class="headerlink" href="{site_url}/">{site_name}</a></h1><p>{site_slogan}</p></div>
<div class="titleblock-image">

I am an absolute beginner with PHP code. Oops! Am I on the right track?

Synergy - Stability - Style --- Visit us at glfusion.org

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Assuming rotating_image() returns the HTML for the image to be displayed, you'll need a "print" in front of it.

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 03/09/05
Posts: 242
it is possible to use autotag in header.thtml .. por exmaple content to staticpage

in header-thtml .....
Text Formatted Code
<div id="top">[staticpage_content:bloque]</div>

but, do not view my staticpage "bloque" in my top page...

what is wrong ???
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