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Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges

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Calendar Upgrade Bounty Total pledges so far

RSVP & Reminders - (SEE PROPOSAL HERE http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=76189)
Categories - (SEE PROPOSAL HERE http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=76191)
Recurring Events - (SEE PROPOSAL HERE http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=76193)

NAME AMOUNT DESIRED FEATURE Tex $200 ALL samstone $200 Group Calendar (see all events as well as events filtered by categories) laugh $20 ALL jcz $40 ALL pwarnagi $130 Recurring Events Dazzy ??? ALL

Total so far $590+

If you are thinking of bailing out, please first discuss your concerns. If the issue is money, it may be possible to get every other contributor to increase their pledge by $2 - $5 to lower your pledge. If the issue is security (my concern) I am sure we can work this out so that everyone is comfortable. We'll just need to discuss it. If the issue concerns the job getting done accurately and within some reasonable time, we need to discuss it so that everybody is reasing from the same page. The last thing we wish to do is cause everyone to bolt from this project.

sorry for the format - Forum would not allow tabular format


I will donate $50

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Quote by: Tex

Group Calendar (see all events as well as events filtered by

This is covered in the categories proposal, right? Or is this something else?

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Username: tt0ne - Marco Belmonte representing HeavenlySanctuary.com Incorporated
Amount: $200
Desired Feature: Reaccuring events
HeavenlySanctuary.com - "Surf The Innernet!"


This is covered in the categories proposal, right? Or is this something else?

Yes. It is in the category proposal. I just used samstone's words here because I know he is very interested in having this category (i.e. group) feature where we can either see all events or filter by category.


$840 in pledges. Not bad at all.

Happy happy.

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Quote by: Tex

This is covered in the categories proposal, right? Or is this something else?

Yes. It is in the category proposal. I just used samstone's words here because I know he is very interested in having this category (i.e. group) feature where we can either see all events or filter by category.

The old Group hack was the ability to give a group of users access to a calendar. Example a Moderators Group Calendar or in my case I have a group of Fire Chief's and they would like a Group Calendar just for them.

Is this the same thing?

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That's how I read it. Should be no big deal (just a whole bunch of little deals in a row Smile). The code already handles the global and personal calendars through a variable. Just expand that variable to be more generic. It also most likely means I'll be combining the events table and the personal events table into one table. Hope that doesn't affect performance too much.


I guess this is fine. samstone should probably comment. My only concern with using geeklog groups exclusively is that if someone wanted to setup meetings for "Conference Room A" the admin would have to create a group instead of a category. I think the event categories should be separate from groups, as categories are in the links plugin.

Anyone wish to chime in here?



I have only one question who do I send my contribution too? reading the bounties page I assume its to dirk and then he ultimately decides weather the project devloper is legible to receive the money.

Any clarification Dirk please

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ronack that is not how I saw Groups working, but it is a good idea.

I saw groups working by the ability to group similar events together, ie different class schedules would be under the group Class Schedules and if selected would only show the class schedules on the calendar, basically a way to clean up a cluttered calendar. You could combine these two ideas together.

I originally saw this as a group thing but maybe it is not, Will reoccuring events be able to handle an event that falls outside the recurring parameters. As an example, if one class got canceled on a thursday and moved to Friday (the class recurred every Thursday)? From the specs you would be able to add an exclusion, but can you add the Friday class to the event?

Basically, how I see it is, you would have an Event that can be made up of many events. These "many events" could be one or more reoccuring events and one or more normal single events.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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I didn't read ronack's post carefully. See below.
Quote by: Laugh

I originally saw this as a group thing but maybe it is not, Will reoccuring events be able to handle an event that falls outside the recurring parameters. As an example, if one class got canceled on a thursday and moved to Friday (the class recurred every Thursday)? From the specs you would be able to add an exclusion, but can you add the Friday class to the event?

As I intend to write it....

A recurring event will cause an instance of all future events to appear in the "eventscheduled" table. Anyone with edit access will have two edit buttons: one to edit the master event and other to edit that event instance. So if you needed to move this week's "every thursday" event to friday only this week, you could.

The groups calendar function (again, as I read it) has nothing to do with GL group permissions (although you could use the permissions in that way) but more to do with having more than one "master" calendar. The existing master calendar becomes your "miscellaneous" events calendar (or "default category"Wink and the other category calendars are specific calendars.

Thus the buttons that say "switch to personal calendar" or "switch to master calendar" will become drop down boxes containing all calendars the current user has access to. The RSVP project will add a "dummy" calendar for "Events I've subscribed to"

That said, the way it will work is by combining the events and personalevents tables into one table and adding a category field that contains "master", "personal", or the name of a category. As an analogy: categories are to calendars as topics are to stories. (And no, I'm not supporting hierarchical categories.)

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yes, that is my question, too - who do we send the money to?

- Marco
HeavenlySanctuary.com - "Surf The Innernet!"

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Yup. Who wants the dough. I have no more suggestions. All requirements looks good. I saw one for color coding events. Outstanding. I did not think of that. I can't wait to see the finished product. BTW: Whoever tallied my amount has me down for $130, I committed $200 so that's what I'll send. Let me know how/when/where.

:twocents: :twocents: :twocents:

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Unless Dirk gives a different answer, just hold onto your cash until something is delivered.

Colorcoding? By category, sounds easy.

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How do you want this Bounty to work, especially since it effects a plugin that comes preinstalled with Geeklog? Do you want to receive the bounties before hand by the sponsors and hold it until the job is complete and the code gets the thumbs up by one of the core developers?

I think this may make the most sense (for most bounties) since it will prevent people from "forgeting" (not that it will happen here) to contribute the pledge once the job is done. Then we will have an angry developer on our hands.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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When you figure out the bounties I'll kick some in too because this is a function I've been missing.

Getting back to the group vs category thing. I think that both are needed. For group all I would have to do is add Joe to the Geek group and he would be able to view and add stuff to the Geek Calendar. Once Joe is no longer a Geek (like that's gonna happen) then all I need to do is remove him and he will still have the Master, and Personal Calendar.

Category is interesting as well. If what I understand you could give anyone access to a category no matter what group they are in.

Say we have Joe Fred and Sally

Joe & Sally are part of the Geek group so they have access to the Geek Calendar

Fred is not part of the Geek group and can't see the Geek Calendar.

However the Geeks and Fred also have need to access the Grass Cutting calendar because it's a Category not a Group.

Groups = Groups of people
Categories = Specific subjects.

I think we need both.

What say you?

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Quote by: Laugh

How do you want this Bounty to work, especially since it effects a plugin that comes preinstalled with Geeklog?

I'm a bit overwhelmed by the amount of money that has been collected here.

A while ago, we did actually discuss the idea of spinning off some of the bundled plugins into separate projects. I wonder if this would be a good time to do it for the Calendar.

Quote by: Laugh

Do you want to receive the bounties before hand by the sponsors and hold it until the job is complete and the code gets the thumbs up by one of the core developers?

I think this may make the most sense (for most bounties) since it will prevent people from "forgeting" (not that it will happen here) to contribute the pledge once the job is done. Then we will have an angry developer on our hands.

Yes, the idea was that someone whom everyone trusts would collect and hold on to the money until the work is done. That was mostly meant for smaller sums, though. In this case, even if half the people jump ship, there would still be a nice sum remaining.

I don't insist on that person being me or anyone from the core team. In fact, in this case, it probably should be someone who's more familiar with all the requested features. So Tex, maybe? Alternatively, we/me could collect the money and pay it out once every sponsor gives a "thumbs up". But I tend to think that in this case, it's really something the community should handle.

bye, Dirk

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Why not set up a PayPal account, have all the dough go into it when the job is complete then do a payout.

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HeavenlySanctuary.com is a registered non-profit organization. We also have a merchant # and our own online e-com system. We also accept paypal.

If everyone is ok with this, we'd be willing to sponsor this plugin and handle the finances and the payout. It would work something like this...

You'd go to https://www.heavenlysanctuary.com/hscommerce and you'd make a donation of the amount you promised to the developer. You'd make sure you wrote an additional note that made sure you stated with clarity that the amount donated was not for HeavenlySanctuary.com (this is for our own tax records so we don't get in trouble) but for the calendar plugin. You'd need to choose paypal instead of using our credit card fullfillment method so that the money could just sit in our paypal account (we usually transfer all donations and purchases from paypal into our bank account - but in this case - we'd just leave the money in paypal's system until it was time to give the payout to the developer).

I'd be willing to update the community with the latest tally and when the community decides that the plugin is worthy of being paid out - we could transfer the money to the developer's paypal account.

Does this sound like an option?


- Marco

PS: I'm not going to speak for them, but I believe that Blaine from portalparts.com and Mark from gllabs.org (both Geeklog Core Developers I believe) would be willing to vouch for HeavenlySanctuary.com.
HeavenlySanctuary.com - "Surf The Innernet!"

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