Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 11:02 am EST

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comments questions


First, where can I see a whole list of all added comments. For stories, it's easy and also for links, but I can't find a list of all site comments that I can review and weed out any trash.

Second, where do I turn on comment moderation? I didn't see it anywhere in the admin section or in the config.php file. I want to make sure all comments are approved (just like stories or links) before they are posted.

Thanks much,

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
I'm afraid neither of this is possible in Geeklog currently.

bye, Dirk


Seriously? That seems like a major oversight. Essentially someone could spam your site with all kinds of garbage and you'd have no way of dealing with it until after the fact?

I was hoping to allow site comments, but this really sounds like a deal-breaker. I don't suppose there is at least a plug-in that makes dealing with comments a bit easier?


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You can disable comments for anonymous users (like we did here on the site) - that helps a lot. If you happen to get spammed, there's a Spam-X module to remove spam comments afterwards (after you fed the spamfilter with the keywords of the posts that made it through). Of course, every comment will have to make it through the spamfilter in the first place.

We had a Summer of Code project to improve the comments (including a moderation queue) but it didn't work out ...

bye, Dirk

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Forgot to mention: Mark's CAPTCHA plugin can also be used for comments.

bye, Dirk


Quote by: Dirk

You can disable comments for anonymous users

On the contrary, anonymous comments is exactly what I want - I just want them moderated. I've gone to great pains to remove any and all need to "log in" to my site. I find sites that require logging in to be annoying and intrusive, and I just don't bother. The people most likely coming to my site will feel similarly. I just find it strange that story contributions are moderated but comment contributions are not. I've got CAPTCHA working and Spam-X running if I need it, just figured it would be a lot better to stop junk coming in before it got posted for all the world to see.

Thanks for the info,

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Quote by: Ron

I find sites that require logging in to be annoying and intrusive, and I just don't bother. The people most likely coming to my site will feel similarly.

Oh, I'm completely with you on that one.

Quote by: Ron

I just find it strange that story contributions are moderated but comment contributions are not.

It's always been like that, for whatever reason, even before I joined the project.

FWIW, I run my webspam blog with comments open for anonymous users and without the CAPTCHA plugin. It does get spam, but I'm also updating the Spam-X blacklists all the time. It's not that bad, really.

bye, Dirk

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Don`t forget that the plugin 'badbehavior' already filters out all the spam bots! I think this is the biggest portion.

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