Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, September 07 2024 @ 09:43 pm EDT

Geeklog Forums

"Reccoomend this site" plugin


Hey all,

I am searching here for the plugin that will allow my visitors to recommend the GL to friends, but I cant find anything.

Any ideas, please?

thank you

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Registered: 09/20/06
Posts: 41
Location:Cheshire, England
Well, there's the "E-mail to a friend" option in each story, which you could style via the template files to be more visible. Or, if you'd prefer a social bookmarking thingy, put this link in storytext.thtml and featuredstorytext.thtml:

Text Formatted Code

<a href="http://www.addtoany.com/?sitename={site_name}&amp;siteurl={site_url}&amp;linkname={story_title}&amp;linkurl={article_url}&amp;type=page">Add to...</a>

Beware, though - this will come up a bit funny if you submit a story with an ampersand in the title.
Silly browser RPG: improbableisland.com!

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