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Help with G2Bridge, please

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Thanks in advance for any help you folks can offer. I have been unsuccessful in installing the G2Bridge plugin. I have put days into trying to figure out what is wrong here and I am out of ideas. I have checked paths, tried softer permissions on the installer, etc. I have a working Gallery2 installation. As per instructions, I have URL rewriting uninstalled. But, when I try to run the install of G2Bridge from the GL Admin/plugins panel, I get the this error message followed by 6075 lines of code:

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An error has occurred:
2 - main(home/myname/gl/plugins/G2Bridge/functions.inc) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory @ /home/myname/public_html/gl/admin/plugins/G2Bridge/install.php line 28

(I did not include the 6075 lines of code here)

In fact, the file, install.php does exist at that location. I upped the permissions as high as 777, but when I increase permissions above 755, I get a page saying Internal Server Error and no additional entries on error logs.

With permission set lower, I got this error on my site's error log (got nothing reported on GL error log):

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[Mon Dec 24 10:04:52 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/myname/public_html/500.shtml
[Mon Dec 24 10:04:52 2007] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /home/myname/public_html/gl/admin/plugins/G2bridge/install.php
SoftException in Application.cpp:231: File "/home/myname/public_html/gl/admin/plugins/G2bridge/install.php" is writeable by group

Here is the information that is probably most important:

I have the main GL files (where config.php is located) installed above my public_html folder, the path is

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I have the public files of GL (where lib-common.php is located) installed at

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Gallery2 is installed at

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I uploaded the complete G2bridge plugin folder to:

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In addition, I created and uploaded the appropriate files to the following:

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'/home/myname/public_html/G2Bridge' (which was renamed to 'Gallery' as per instructions in config.php file)

And, the paths that I entered into the G2Bridge config.php file are as follows:

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/* Here's where you can set the directory name for the plugin in the public_html directory.

        If you want to access this plugin at http://your.fancy.site.com/my_gallery instead of at
        http://your.fancy.site.com/G2Bridge, you should set this to 'my_gallery' and rename the
        G2Bridge directory in your $_CONF['path_html'] directory to 'my_gallery'.
        Note: If you change this after you've set up rewriting in Gallery, you'll have to set it up again.
$_G2B_CONF['public_dir'] = 'Gallery';

/* I think with Gallery 2.1 we have finally done away with the path confusion. I have set these to the default with gallery2 in your public_html directory.
    You should only need to change these IF gallery2 is NOT in your public_html directory.

$_G2B_CONF['G2_path'] = '/home/myname/public_html/gallery'; // full system path to your gallery2 install no trailing /

$_G2B_CONF['embedUri'] = $_CONF['site_url'].$_G2B_CONF['public_dir'].'/index.php';   // full url to your G2Bridge or public_dir index.php

$_G2B_CONF['g2Uri'] = 'http://www.myname.com/gallery/';  // full url to you gallery2 with trailing /

I did check my main Gl config.php file for the values of the variables used in the strings above to make sure the paths were correct. Hopefully I did this correctly and that is not the issue. But just in case, below are listed the values, as taken from my GL config.php file:

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// This should point to the directory where your config.php file resides.
$_CONF['path']            = '/home/myname/gl/'; // should end in a slash

// You only need to change this if you moved or renamed the public_html
// directory. In that case, you should specify the complete path to the
// directory (i.e. without the $_CONF['path']) like this:
// $_CONF['path_html']      = '/path/to/your/public_html/';
$_CONF['path_html']         = '/home/myname/public_html/gl/';

// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | (3) Site Settings                                                         |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+

// Make sure this is the correct URL to your site, i.e. to where Geeklog's
// index.php file resides (no trailing slash).
$_CONF['site_url']          = 'http://www.myname.com/gl';

// Some hosting services have a preconfigured admin directory. In that case,
// you need to rename Geeklog's admin directory to something like "myadmin"
// and change the following URL as well. Leave as is until you experience any
// problems accessing Geeklog's admin menu.
$_CONF['site_admin_url']    = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/admin';

This is my second attempt at getting all of this working. I had installed GL a few weeks back, without a secure installation. I had all of the GL folders in the public_html segment of my site. The first plugin I installed was the G2Bridge and it seemed to install successfully. I added a bunch more plugins and ended up with a mess. The site did not work. It may have been due to my having URL rewriting active inside Gallery2 when the G2Bridge was installed. Anyway, I uninstalled GL, Gallery2, and wiped the databases for both of them clean. I am in a fresh install of everything now. And I installed all of the other plugins first, leaving the G2Bridge for last. If it would help, I can list the other plugins that are installed, though I am not sure if the failure of the installer to run is a product of a plugin conflict or not. I have Bad Behavior 2, Calendar, Captcha, Chameleon, Chatterblock, dbman, Links, Polls, Spamex, and STaticpages installed. And of course, G2Bridge is on the install queue, waiting to be installed.

I hope this is enough info to help spot the trouble. I appreciate any advice or help. I am now weeks behind in setting up this site and have a killer deadline hanging over my head.

Happy holidays and happy New Year to all,


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Hi again. I still have not figured this out and unfortunately, no one has offered any helo with the problem. I tried to give enough info, maybe I just gave you too much?

The install.php script for G2Bridge doesn't want to run, giving a "premature end of script header" when it is called. If you have any guesses, suggestions, crystal ball visions,,,anything that might help, I will do the legwork and try your suggestions.

Are the files I uploaded corrupt? I have uploaded a few times to cover this possibility.

Are there path issues? As a security measure, GL files are installed in both my public folder and in a place above public access, as suggested. I have a fully working GL installation, with a dozen other plugins that work just fine. This plugin is the only one with trouble.

Is there a conflict between plugins?

Any ideas, please?

Thanks in advance


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Hi Dale,

I don't know anything about the G2Bridge solution, other than to provide moral support. Oops!

But, just a question: Have you looked at using Mark's Media Gallery solution? I believe it has importers for a current Gallery installation, and most (if not all) of the features of Gallery. That, and Mark is almost ready to release MG v1.6 which has theme support for Chameleon.

Hope this helps! ...and if anything else, consider it a *bump*.

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Sorry Dale, I missed your post, I try to check this site daily, but it was Christmas Eve.

your error suggests that functions.inc is missing from home/myname/gl/plugins/G2Bridge/functions.inc

Seems to be a path issue.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com

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Thanks for jumping in, Eric. I do have my heart set on Gallery, but I will definitely look at the Media Gallery plugin now.

And thank you, too, Suprsidr. You are right, the error does point to functions.inc, which appears to be missing from home/myname/gl/plugins/G2Bridge/functions.inc (according to the way we both read this error).

The file is there, chmod'ed to 644. Not only did I check, but I just opened a fresh copy of the G2Bridge2.03 distribution and overwrote the existing functions.inc with a new copy just in case it was corrupt. But I am getting the exact same error as before. So I went back to look at paths again. Did I find something here?....

From the main GL config.php file:

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// | (3) Site Settings                                                         |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+

// Make sure this is the correct URL to your site, i.e. to where Geeklog's
// index.php file resides (no trailing slash).
$_CONF['site_url']          = 'http://www.myname.com/gl';

from the G2Bridge config.php file:

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$_G2B_CONF['public_dir'] = 'Gallery';


$_G2B_CONF['embedUri'] = $_CONF['site_url'].$_G2B_CONF['public_dir'].'/index.php';   // full url to your G2Bridge or public_dir index.php

Now, if I am reading this right...and maybe I am not....when you put this last string together, aren't you missing a slash between the ['site_url'] and the ['public_dir'] ? Is this the cause of my problem or is what I think I see as a path problem actually being handled elsewhere? I would try to rewriting that last statement and see if it fixes things, but right now it is super late at night and I have to get up super early for work, and my super pissed off gf is barking at me to come to bed *lol*. So, I will have to come back to this later.

Thanks in advance for any further input.



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That does look like it could be an issue. You must have super good eyes to spot that! LOL

BTW, I've had super evenings like the one you just described. Thanks for bringing a super smile to my face! Big Grin

Synergy - Stability - Style --- Visit us at glfusion.org

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Dale, this is a path issue, not a url issue.
All plugins include first lib-common.php to obtain conf variables and access to the API
and then they include their own necessary files:
lines 27 & 28 from admin/plugins/G2Bridge/install.php
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require_once('../../../lib-common.php');  // relative path to geeklog's public_html/lib-common.php
require_once( $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/G2Bridge/functions.inc' );

From the info you give above, as long as functions.inc is indeed in home/myname/gl/plugins/G2Bridge/ then its a permissions issue.
I recently moved to a new server with plesk, in which I've had the same issues not being able to assign a backend directory for plugins and system files with the proper permissions(had to learn a bit of freeBSD shell :doh: )

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com

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Thanks again, Suprsidr. I am going to talk to my host's tech support team and see if there is something to be done to loosen up permissions so the installer will run.


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I spoke with a techie and his supervisor at my webhost. They have been spot-on before, so I am not as likely to challenge them as if they had given me bad info in the past. What they say is it is a script problem, not a permissions problem. They say the permissions for all of the components are set correctly. Therefore, there is nothing they can do to help. Hmmmmm.

I am not liking my options here. I had G2Bridge working fine when all of the files were located in my root folder (public_html). Something went very wrong with that installation and it crashed in a very ugly fashion. I never found out why, but I did delete everything, reinstall and start over with a fresh set of databases. In case my problem was from a hack, I now have a "secure" GL installation with components above that root folder. Unfortunately, I cant seem to get G2Bridge to install this way. So, I either a) give up on Gallery2 and G2Bridge, b) find the problem with the script, or c) try to rewrite the whole plugin so I can relocate some of these elemental files into the root folder and avoid this paths/permissions problem.

I dont like the first option, I cant find the problem, and re-writing the script is a bit beyond my level of expertise. I am really open to any more suggestions before I go start slashing at the site again.


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lets try using the full system path to G2Bridge's functions.inc
change line 28 of install.php to :
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require_once( '/home/myname/gl/plugins/G2Bridge/functions.inc' );

once this plugin is installed lib-common will start including it.

If we run aground here again, I could easily make you a "wrapper" for gallery to include your site header/footer and most of the functionality included in the plugin. - So don't give up Wink

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com

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Something just occurred to me... make sure your G2Bridge plugin directory is spelled properly with the exact capitalization.
It would not make a difference on a windows server but any *nix system certainly would.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com

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SUCCESS! :chestslam:

Typing in the path manually on line 28 of install.php got the installer to run, Suprsidr. (I had checked for the typical nix glitches a few times....upper and lower case, making sure edits were done with word wrap off in text editor, etc)

I am now off to see if any of the mystery conflicts that arose in my last installation are here in this one. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here on in. :banana:

Thank you, Suprsidr and Eric for your help. It is greatly appreciated. I hope that as I move forward, I can learn enough to be able to give back something and help someone else in trouble here. "Pay it forward" is my motto.


PS> As I am trying to use the installed Gallery2, there are some problems here. Again, I think it may be paths. As I attempt to look at user galleries or create them ,,,or upload pics to the one existing gallery, I am getting 404 errors. I also see that in the User Functions block, "Gallery2" is being displayed rather than "Gallery", as I believe I set it up in G2Bridge's config.php. I also do not have the parameters set up for cookies in the Gallery2 install set up properly (this I already knew). Every configuration I tried there was rejected by the Gallery2 app. It is blank now. I had figured I needed to address that once I got things running. I am sure I can find that info over at Gallery2's user forums to get help with the cookie settings.

It might not be right yet, but I am a lot further along than before *grins* Thanks in advance, again, for any help offered.

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The usermenu label unfortunately I hardcoded - functions.inc line ~285

as for cookies try
path: /gl/
domain: .yourdomain.com/gl

I believe Wink

I'm glad we got you fixed up and any other questions are welcomed.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com

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Some progress to report...

I manually wrote in the URL to the index.php of the G2Bridge installation in the G2Bridge config.php file. I think there might have been a slash missing with the string written the way it was. This fixed some of the 404 errors. I can move through galleries now and create new ones.

I may have done this wrong, but I do not have the Gallery2 installation inside my public GL folder. It exists in my root site folder, on the same level as the public GL folder. As with GL, some of it's components are installed at a higher level than root, so they can not be accessed from the web. This is probably why I am having so much grief setting up the cookie thing?

I could not come up with a setting that G2 would accept for a cookie path. It did not like /gl/. It also did not like .mydomain.com/gl, however, it did accept .mydomain.com without any subdirectory included.

From inside GL, I can manipulate and use G2 functions...at least those I tried. Once big exception is if I click on the Admin button on the top of the G2 block to get into the G2 admin pages. Doing this gives me a 500 error. I have no idea what to do about this one. I can go into those admin pages by logging into my G2 installation directly, though....and not attempting to get to them through GL.

I am also getting a 500 error page when I attempt to use the G2 feature that allows you to use a picture from your gallery and create an e-card with it. Attempting to send the ecard gives a 500 error page. The e-card was sent perfectly, but after hitting the "send" button, I get the 500 error page. Would this be related to the other 500 error? Is this another path issue?

Some other things to point out that might be of interest to others trying to do this installation....

I have my monitor set at 1440 x 900 px resolution. This tends to make fonts appear small. Embedding G2 inside a GL block makes the print extremely small. Middle aged eyes dont see print that small *lol* I am not sure if I have to put up warnings for my users about this and give the less capable ones instructions on increasing text size in their browser.

I know that Eric has seem some style issues when Chameleon is used with G2. I am hoping I can come up with the right color selections in G2 that will make everything work. The font color in the Chameleon style I want to use is white. The default background color in G2 is (you guessed it) white. So of course, text does not show up. I think I can work around some of these things and still get what I want. I imagine any of this can be handled at a code level if you know how.

Thanks again, folks. As always, any thoughts or info is greatly appreciated.


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Ah, your $_G2B_CONF['embedUri'] is incorrect

$_G2B_CONF['public_dir'] = 'Gallery'; is not our label for the user menu, its to direct us to your gallery directory.
it should read
$_G2B_CONF['public_dir'] = 'gallery'; as you've renamed your public_html/gl/G2Bridge to public_html/gl/gallery

Also the fact that incuding lib-common.php gave us the wrong path to functions.inc no preceding forward slash was reported:
An error has occurred:
2 - main(home/myname/gl/plugins/G2Bridge/functions.inc)...... makes me think geeklog's config.php is wrong.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com

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Hi again, Suprsidr. Before I mess with anything, please let me go over this with you one more time,,

I may not have done the best job of naming things. And that may have caused some confusion. I dont want to start messing with things unless I am sure. Inside my root folder..the folder that is accessible to the web...There is the 'gl' directory and the 'gallery' directory (lower case g). The 'gallery' directory is where Gallery2 exists. The 'Gallery' directory is inside 'gl' and is where G2Bridge is.

Gallery2 -- '/home/myname/public_html/gallery/'
G2Bridge- '/home/myname/public_html/gl/Gallery/'

With these paths, are you certain the suggested path you wrote in this past post is right?

Also, this is from my GL config.php file,,,lines 66 amd 74 are the only places where I can configure the path, I think:

Text Formatted Code

// This should point to the directory where your config.php file resides.
$_CONF['path']            = '/home/myname/gl/'; // should end in a slash

// You only need to change this if you moved or renamed the public_html
// directory. In that case, you should specify the complete path to the
// directory (i.e. without the $_CONF['path']) like this:
// $_CONF['path_html']      = '/path/to/your/public_html/';
$_CONF['path_html']         = '/home/myname/public_html/gl/';

Both of these show the leading slash in the path. So, I am not sure where it was getting lost.

Thanks for your patience and time here. I am really grateful for your help.


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ok, lets get this right:
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$_G2B_CONF['public_dir'] = 'Gallery';

/* I think with Gallery 2.1 we have finally done away with the path confusion. I have set these to the default with gallery2 in your public_html directory.
    You should only need to change these IF gallery2 is NOT in your public_html directory.

$_G2B_CONF['G2_path'] = '/home/myname/public_html/gallery'; // full system path to your gallery2 install no trailing /

$_G2B_CONF['embedUri'] = $_CONF['site_url'].'/gl/'.$_G2B_CONF['public_dir'].'/index.php';   // full url to your G2Bridge or public_dir index.php

$_G2B_CONF['g2Uri'] = $_CONF['site_url'].'/gallery/';  // full url to you gallery2 with trailing /

its always safe to use full paths and urls.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com

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I double checked G2Bridge's config.php. This is what I have....it looks like it matches up to what you just posted:

Text Formatted Code

$_G2B_CONF['public_dir'] = 'Gallery';

/* I think with Gallery 2.1 we have finally done away with the path confusion. I have set these to the default with gallery2 in your public_html directory.
    You should only need to change these IF gallery2 is NOT in your public_html directory.

$_G2B_CONF['G2_path'] = '/home/myname/public_html/gallery'; // full system path to your gallery2 install no trailing /

$_G2B_CONF['embedUri'] = 'http://www.mysite.com/gl/Gallery/index.php';   // full url to your G2Bridge or public_dir index.php

$_G2B_CONF['g2Uri'] = 'http://www.mysite.com/gallery/';  // full url to you gallery2 with trailing /

If they are a match, then?


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I think I may have found the smoking gun for the 500 errors I have discovered so far when I use the ecard function or click on the Admin link.

My default skin is created by the Chameleon plugin. I had this active and Chameleon selected in my user control panel within GL when I was getting these errors. On a whim, I went back to the Professional skin through my user control panel and I stopped getting the 500 errors on these two items. I have not done any more tests to see what else is or isn't working, depending on which theme I select.

Looks like I have to bring this over to the Chameleon's developer forum. Sorry Eric *chuckles* And you thought you got rid of me.


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In my brief tests with chameleon I noticed that header variables created by other plugins were lost.
eg. the {glmenu} header variable was lost, and I had to call the function directly.
Chameleon also does not stay centered when you display a large image or movie, it expands to the right but does not shift left to stay centered and scrollbars appear on the bottom - a dealbreaker for me.
I'm sure there are others, but as I said - brief tests.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com

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