Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 03:25 pm EST

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php.ini file & installing library templates


Please help!!! I'm in urgent need of help at the moment....

I am new to geeklog and php, so any help is appriciated.
I'm trying to install mediagallery, and it wants library templates, and for me to change the php.ini file memory limit...i've been working on this issue for many days now, and i'm running short on time....

I tried locating and then resported to creating a php.ini file...neither were sucessful....and creating the info.php and opening it my my browser didnt work either...it kept trying to open it in notepad (or downloading it) odd hu?

Then I tried installing library templates, and after changing the config file my webpage wouldn't load Frown so i had to backtrack.
Any ideas would be appriciated, thank you!!!!!

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Mediagallery has links to the library you need to install. It is not a PHP system library. It is a library of PHP code that runs as part of Geeklog. Download the Caching Template Library from here and follow the installation instructions here. Full documentation for mediagallery is available here.

Please be more specific about this error, What happens when it doesn't load? Do you get a Blank page?
Then I tried installing library templates, and after changing the config file my webpage wouldn't load Frown so i had to backtrack.
Any ideas would be appriciated, thank you!!!!!


Thank you for your timely response! Smile

Sorry I wasn't mopre specific.
I know the mediagallery has nothing to do with php..however, when i finnished the final install of mediagallery it wanted me to change memory_limit. It said "error memory_limit is less than 48M" and "catching Template Library is not installed". Then it had asked me to fix these errors in order to install mediagallery.

So in order to fix these errors I guess I had to open the php.ini file and change "memory_limit" to be 48M?

Then to install the Template Library....

I tried both....

Including contacting my hosting provider....

Both unsuccessful.... ;"(

So....here's the verdict:

Error that comes up when I tried installing template library is as follows:

blah blah "proffessional directory is not a vaild path" or something like that.....evethough I had never changed the path...
then several other errors within this blank page...

I'll try again, then copy the error page so it is as specific as I can get to you.

And again...I still have to change the php.ini file...and can't do so....PLEASE HELP.....thanks though for the timely response...lets see if I can get another timely response to help me out...thank you all in advance!



Okay here is the error~!
Unfortunately, an error has occurred rendering this page. Please try again later.

guess that doesnt say much hu? HELPPPPPPP ME!

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When you receive a 'Unfortunately an error has occured message', you need to look in the Geeklog error.log file for more specific information. This file is located in the logs/ directory of your site. Please tell us the errors it shows.

Also, double check that you have edited the path to your config.php file in your lib-common.php file. This is usually the problem when I see folks getting the ...an error has occured... page.


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