Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, February 27 2025 @ 08:51 pm EST

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forum 2.7_1.4.1

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Registered: 05/30/08
Posts: 3
I am at my wits end trying to install the forum 2.7_1.4.1 plugin. I have yet to find one person expain how to install it step by step in a language that an average non-coding guru understands. I see the word lib-portalparts.php thrown around allot. I have spent days looking for this needle in my folders and files haystack and have yet to find it. WTF, I got as far as step 4 then hit a wall!

Step 0 - Backup your Database

Make a backup of your current geeklog database using the built-in admin feature. Verify your backup feature is configured correctly and backup file is not 0 bytes. This is worth the time to verify your backup

Step 1 - Restore the plugin Archive

Uncompress the archive files into your <geeklog_dir>/plugins directory. It will create a forum subdirectory for the files.

Step 2 - Create the required plugin directories

Create a directory called forum under your public_html directory
Create a directory called forum under your public_html/admin/plugins directory

Step 3 - Copy the the required plugin files

Copy the files (contents) from the new plugin's public_html directory to the forum directory you just created under your sites main public_html directory
Copy the files (contents) from the new plugin's admin directory to the forum directory you just created under your sites main public_html/admin/plugins directory

Step 4 - Copy the the required theme files

Copy the directory called forum and contents from the new plugin's themefiles directory to your sites theme's directory. Assuming your site is running the professional theme this would be public_html/layout/professional. You would then copy the themefiles/forum directry from the plugin archive so that you create a professional/forum directory with all the new layout files from the plugin archive

Step 5 - Update or copy the lib-portalparts.php file

The plugins from portalparts use a number of common functions that are placed in the lib-portalparts.php file. Copy the file from the plugin archive to your system folder where there are other lib-xxxxx.php files

Step 6 - Run the plugin install

Logged in as 'admin' you can access the installer from the plugin editor [admin -> plugins]
If the files have been copied correctly in step 3 and 4, you will see the new plugin to be installed

Step 7 - Update your themes css - style.css file

The forum is using the plugin CSS that is distributed with the GL 1.4.1 professional theme. If you are running a GL 1.4.1 site and using the stock professional theme or a 1.4.1 certified theme, you will only need to add a few new CSS styles declarations for the codeblock and quote formatting feature.
If you have a GL 1.4 site or using a beta release of GL 1.4.1, then update style.css file using the pre1.4.1_forum.css file in the archive under the themefiles folder. Backup your current style.css file for reference and for many sites, they can just replace all the plugin like CSS declarations. They should all be grouped together in your style.css file.
Pre 1.4.1 themes will also need to add missing navbar images. Add the images found in archives themefiles/navbar/images folder to the same folder under your site's theme.
Add the CSS declarations from the forum.css file in the archive under the themefiles folder.

If you have a GL 1.4.1 final site, then you will only need to add the few additional CSS styles for the codeblock and quote formatting.
Add the CSS declarations from the forum.css file in the archive under the themefiles folder.

Someone please help me figure this out!!!


Quote by: chiplf

I am at my wits end trying to install the forum 2.7_1.4.1 plugin. I have yet to find one person expain how to install it step by step in a language that an average non-coding guru understands. I see the word lib-portalparts.php thrown around allot. I have spent days looking for this needle in my folders and files haystack and have yet to find it. WTF, I got as far as step 4 then hit a wall!

Someone please help me figure this out!!!

Okay the lib-portalparts.php file is located in the archive under the system folder. Copy that file over to the path to your geeklog system directory. Then you should be able to continue with the install. Let us know how it went.


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Registered: 05/30/08
Posts: 3
Okay the lib-portalparts.php file is located in the archive under the system folder. Copy that file over to the path to your geeklog system directory. Then you should be able to continue with the install. Let us know how it went.


Thank you for responding. I still can not find the file named lib-portalparts.php. These are the files I do see under system:

/ public_html / system / (Current Folder)

Create New Folder

Upload file(s)

Up one level





Create New File
















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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
The lib-portalparts.php comes with the forum.

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 07/16/02
Posts: 1232
Step 5 - Update or copy the lib-portalparts.php file

The plugins from portalparts use a number of common functions that are placed in the lib-portalparts.php file. Copy the file from the plugin archive to your system folder where there are other lib-xxxxx.php files

Located under the system folder of the plugin archive so that it was more clear that it was a file to be copied to your Geeklog system files folder.
Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com

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Forum User
Registered: 05/30/08
Posts: 3
I spent all day trying to follow your install instructions with out any success. I decided to install SMF in a subdirectory named "forum" and be done with it. This stuff is not for novices like me. I appreciate you guys though for trying to help me out!


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