Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 06:05 am EST
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Can't post new stories?
I tried edited my last post, and the edit didn't take. Then i tried posting a new story, and that didn't work, either.
Comments work fine, apparently.
I logged out and then logged back in, and that didn't help.
I am using Chameleon as the default theme. Could that have something to do with it? I'll try switching back to the GL theme and see if that works.
Or at least I would, if i knew where to change the default theme...
And I found out that none of the tabs work on the 'My Account' page, either. It's gotta be the theme... where do I change the default, now that config.php doesn't do it any more?
Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
A little more info: I tried the site in MSIE, and when I went to my account page, IE showed an error. Here's the error message:
Line: 38
Char: 5
Error: 'profilepanels' is undefined
Code: 0
I noticed that when i click on the tabs on the Account page, I get this URL:
It's like it's a jump link that isn't jumping anywhere.
Can't post anything in IE, either.
More: Can't disable the Chameleon plugin. Keeps getting worse over here...
- Don
I tried edited my last post, and the edit didn't take. Then i tried posting a new story, and that didn't work, either.
As usual, themes have to be updated for a new Geeklog version. This is especially important this time around, as we've introduced changes for the CSRF protection in all of the admin templates.
bye, Dirk
Where's config.php when you need it? :banghead:
Configuration > Geeklog > Theme > Theme
Of course, that may not work either if your theme isn't up to date ... If that's the case try going to My Account and changing the theme there first (back to Professional).
bye, Dirk
Where's config.php when you need it? :banghead:
Configuration > Geeklog > Theme > Theme
Of course, that may not work either if your theme isn't up to date ... If that's the case try going to My Account and changing the theme there first (back to Professional).
bye, Dirk
That's one of the problems I'm having - The tabs are not working on the My Account page. I can't click off the 'Username & Password' tab.
And I'm only seeing tabs for Spamx and Main Settings on the Configuration page.
Thanks for the suggestions, Dirk, but it looks as though I'm pretty stuck right now.
Is there nowhere I can just go in and edit a file to change the default theme any more?
- Don
define('XHTML','/'); // change this to ' /' for XHTML
Didn't seem to make any difference I'm still not able to post, and the site has slowed way down.
- Don
If I were to bring the old database back (backed it up just before the upgrade) and edited config.php to 'professional' as the default database then ran the upgrade, would that set things right?
That's the only thing I can think to do at this point. But do I need to delete the entire upgraded database before importing the last backup?
I've never done anything this radical before, and I want to make sure of the procedure. Thanks in advance.
- Don
That's one of the problems I'm having - The tabs are not working on the My Account page. I can't click off the 'Username & Password' tab.
Try switching off JavaScript in your browser. In theory, this should give you all the My Account options on one page.
bye, Dirk
If I were to bring the old database back (backed it up just before the upgrade) and edited config.php to 'professional' as the default database then ran the upgrade, would that set things right?
Yes, that should work. The default setting is taken from the config.php during the upgrade. You may have to delete your theme cookie as well, as the user's preferences override the default setting.
That's the only thing I can think to do at this point. But do I need to delete the entire upgraded database before importing the last backup?
You need an empty database to import into. Alternatively, that could be a new database, if you have more than one available.
We will have to develop procedures for these kinds of problems. Probably a small script that can reset certain config options in the database.
bye, Dirk
Try switching off JavaScript in your browser. In theory, this should give you all the My Account options on one page.
bye, Dirk
I never in a million years would have thought of that. And it worked.
As usual, Dirk, you are the man. Thanks again.
- Don
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