Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, December 21 2024 @ 11:05 pm EST

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Blocks disappearing - but only for 1 specific user!


Hi there,

something strange has happened on www.digitaalscrappen.nl which uses Geeklog as its motor. I've built lots of sites and am quite familiar with several brands of serverside weblog/website software. Haven't had a chance yet to built a site that is geeklog powered though.

The problem:

I can't see any of the blocks on the site but the Google Ads block!

I am a member there, so a registered user, but I can also access the site as an admin. When I login as the admin, I can see all blocks pfectly well where they are supposed to be seen. Everyone else, regular users as well as admins and moderators can also see all blocks. It's just ME that can't see anything but the Google Ads block, when I login with my normal user account.

What I tried

* I checked my user setting but can't discover any unusual settings that would prevent me from seeing the blocks.
* I tried changing this weird behaviour by giving my regular user account admin rights, but that did not change a thing.
* I signed up with a different email address and different username, so created a new account - and all was well again!!! I can see everything using this new account!!![/list]

My conclusion

* It's NOT something that my browser does because using the same browser, but a different user account, everything is working fine
* It has nothing to dowith not having enough rights or something, because a new user can see everything just fine
* It must be something tied to my emailaddres and/or the user account using that emailaddress, because it only happens to me[/list]


Does ANYONE have any idea as to why this would happen? What could cause this problem? I've searched the forum and googled me heart ut but I can't find anything similar...

I don't want to just use the newly made account, because my normal account has a quite large photogallery attached to it and changing accouts would meand that I would have to upload almost 100 photo's again, and it would also mean losing all the comments on those photos.

Thank very much in advance for thinking along...

kind regards,


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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Did you check anything in My Account > Content > Show & hide boxes? Note that once you start checking the checkboxes there, any blocks other than those with a set checkbox will disappear.

bye, Dirk


Sorry, I already solved this problem. for some reason that I still can't understand, my user settings have been reset and the only thing I was abe to see was the Ads. I put checkmarks in front of all the other stuff again, and now I can see all blocks.

A little confusing is, that the list on top of the page filters out stuff ie. if you checkmark them, you will NOT see that stuff, while the bottom list filters out stuff that you DO want to see.

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