Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, December 30 2024 @ 12:12 pm EST

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Two problems -- PNG's, missing admin form submit


One problem I've had for a while: Geeklog seems to be looking for a lot of .gif icons when the files are actually .png's. Most of the solutions I've found for this seem to be centered around replacing the icons with GIFs, but it seems like it should be easier simply to change the code to look for the .png's. Problem being I can't seem to find where. The various admin pages are particularly bad about this.

Another problem arose when I upgraded from 1.4.1 to 1.5.1: the admin page seems to be missing its form submit button! When I go to approve new users, for example, I have a trash icon for deleting checked items -- but no way to approve new users.

Any ideas? Thanks!

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Both sound like theme issues. Did you update your theme?

The theme should set a variable $_IMAGE_TYPE to the image type it's using (in the theme's functions.php). If that variable is not set, Geeklog will assume GIF images.

bye, Dirk


That was it, thanks. I updated everything except the functions.php file...


can i ask how did you get your submit button back.



Just as they described, I needed to update my functions.php file in my theme, and specify the image format. Did that and both problems disappeared.

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Forum User
Registered: 07/02/07
Posts: 27
right my
$_IMAGE_TYPE = 'png';
is set .
how else did you update the functions.php?, i took the functions.php from the pro theme and ran into lots of problems.
thanks again

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