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Data Base was updated, Now I crushed it trying to fix

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Forum User
Registered: 07/11/08
Posts: 39
Hi Folks,
I was trying to solve a simple issue of no changes being effected. I decided to upgrade and if it did not solve my problem, initiate a new complete install. I don't know what I actually toyed with to recieve the following error or How to fix it. The main issue is, the site was under development and already had 101 registerd users. All their contact info and emails are available but I will hate to reinsall and tell them to re-register If I can't bring the site up again to it's no Change effected state in order to Mass email users that the site is under development.

Thanks. Please find below the ERROR Message.

Warning: fopen(error.log) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/local/4admin/apache/vhosts/WebsiteName.com/addon/WebsiteName.com/lib-common.php on line 1940Unfortunately, an error has occurred rendering this page. Please try again later.

This is what LINE 1940 Looks Like:

case 1:
$logfile = $_CONF['path_log'] . 'error.log';

if( !$file = fopen( $logfile, 'a' ))
$retval .= $LANG01[33] . ' ' . $logfile . ' (' . $timestamp . 'Wink<br' . XHTML . '>' . LB;
fputs( $file, "$timestamp - $logentry \n" );

case 2:
$retval .= COM_startBlock( $LANG01[55] . ' ' . $timestamp, '',
COM_getBlockTemplate( '_msg_block', 'header' ))
. nl2br( $logentry )
. COM_endBlock( COM_getBlockTemplate( '_msg_block',
'footer' ));

$logfile = $_CONF['path_log'] . 'error.log';

if( !$file = fopen( $logfile, 'a' ))
$retval .= $LANG01[33] . ' ' . $logfile . ' (' . $timestamp . 'Wink<br' . XHTML . '>' . LB;
fputs( $file, "$timestamp - $logentry \n" );
$retval .= COM_startBlock( $LANG01[34] . ' - ' . $timestamp,
'', COM_getBlockTemplate( '_msg_block',
'header' ))
. nl2br( $logentry )
. COM_endBlock( COM_getBlockTemplate( '_msg_block',
'footer' ));

return $retval;

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Well, that's pretty obvious: It's trying to write to the error.log file but can't. Check ther permissions for that file and the logs directory it's in. See the installation instructions for details.

Having said that: The reason that it's trying to write to error.log in the first place is that another error occured. Once it can write to error.log, you'll be able to see what it was.

bye, Dirk

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Forum User
Registered: 07/11/08
Posts: 39
Thanks Dirk, for the fast response. I just changed the permissions on error.log and the parent directory it's in to CHMOD 777. It's still giving the error, but like you said another error may have caused this. I guess I may have to email the registered users that the site is under development and Reinstall the latest stable version. Yes I prefare aand Love geeklog.

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Well, the error should now be logged in error.log. So what does it say?

bye, Dirk

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Forum User
Registered: 07/11/08
Posts: 39
Yes you are right. There is data now in the error.log file. The data has users information, emails and so forth. I will be grateful if I can send that data in a PM. I copied just the ending part of the diplayed data and pasted it in my reply. When I submitted it on the forum it said something like " Spam detected, Post has been deleted".

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
I got the spam notification - you shouldn't quote spam posts here or they will be considered spam themselves :wink:

Other than the spam (or rather, the SLV timeout message, which quoted the spam), there were only a few entries about invalid usernames. None of those would cause the site to display the dreaded "Unfortunately, an error has occurred ..." message.

So without any more information I'm not sure what to suggest. What is happening now? Does the site work?

bye, Dirk

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Forum User
Registered: 07/11/08
Posts: 39
Thanks for enlightenment. The site is still displaying the error.I intend to go ahead and do a Fresh install with a new DB and just let the registered users know and probably re-register. Thanks to you all.

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