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Upgraded from 1.4.1 to 1.6.1, Static Pages Gone
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Like, for instance, now the Static Pages won't open for some reason. I can edit them in the Static Page editor, and save the changes, but the links to the static pages themselves dont' work;
For example: http://www.panama-guide.com/staticpages/index.php/20061226073412887
Notice there's no ? in that link anywhere. That's because some time ago I fought through an SEO hack, made some changes to the site, and now apparently those changes didn't migrate. That means I'm going to have to go back and recreate the wheel, figure out what I did two years ago, and do it again.
And suggestions? I already checked the .htaccess file that I used to hack the URL rewrite and the Static Pages are not there.
Fri 11 Dec 2009 08:44:29 EST - Warning: File #1 on the HTML form was empty...ignoring it and continuing
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Fri 11 Dec 2009 08:44:29 EST - Warning: File #19 on the HTML form was empty...ignoring it and continuing
Fri 11 Dec 2009 08:44:29 EST - Warning: File #20 on the HTML form was empty...ignoring it and continuing
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Fri 11 Dec 2009 08:44:29 EST - Warning: File #22 on the HTML form was empty...ignoring it and continuing
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Fri 11 Dec 2009 08:44:29 EST - Warning: File #25 on the HTML form was empty...ignoring it and continuing
I have 24 static pages on my site.
For example: http://www.panama-guide.com/staticpages/index.php/20061226073412887
Notice there's no ? in that link anywhere.
There's nothing special about those URLs - it's what you get when you enable the URL rewrite option (in the Configuration). If URL rewrite is disabled, those URLs won't work, so simply enable it again.
bye, Dirk
Fri 11 Dec 2009 08:44:29 EST - Warning: File #1 on the HTML form was empty...ignoring it and continuing
Do you have the "Debug Image Upload" option enabled? They should go away when you disable it:
Configuration > Geeklog > Images > Upload
bye, Dirk
I can get there (I think) by selecting anything else in the admin menu and then (from there) selecting "Admin Home" and then "Configuration" from there.
Also, in the "Admin Home" menu the icon for "Configuration" appears (the two gears or little gray wheels) but there is no link or URL appearing under the icon that says "Configuration" or anything else. The icon is a active as a link to http://www.panama-guide.com/admin/configuration.php/ so like I said, I can get there but it's not supposed to be that way.
There are all kinds of little "buggy" problems like this that I'm going to have to work through.
OK, anyway, I went to the "Debug Image Upload" option - there was an "x" there and when I clicked on it, the option went away. Now apparently there's no way to get it back (so I can't make the change.) How do I get that option to come back once I've clicked the "X" ???
These are the little things that drive us all crazy. Please make the bad man stop...
Clicking the (X) for the debug image upload option should cause an "Enable" link to appear in its place.
These issues are pretty odd. Possible causes:
- Theme issue - are you using the Professional theme that shipped with 1.6.1?
- lib-common.php is not up to date - make sure you use the one that ships with 1.6.1
bye, Dirk
For example: http://www.panama-guide.com/staticpages/index.php/20061226073412887
Notice there's no ? in that link anywhere.
There's nothing special about those URLs - it's what you get when you enable the URL rewrite option (in the Configuration). If URL rewrite is disabled, those URLs won't work, so simply enable it again.
bye, Dirk
I just checked the URL Rewrite option in the Site Configuration. It is currently (and was) set to "1" or "enabled". Just to make sure I set the configuration to "0" or "disabled" and checked the site - the static pages still don't appear. So, I reset the URL Rewrite option in the configuration file back to "1" or "enabled" and came back here.
Apparently, the problem is not in the selection of the option on the configuration file.
There are all kinds of little buggy presentation problems going on with this install. For example, when I go into the "Configuration" menu in the Admin section, this is what appears in the left hand block:
Static Pages
Admin Home
That's not right (or, I don't thing it should appear that way) - should it?
Don - working my way through a hundred little buggy fixes after upgrading.
The "Configuration" option should show up in the Admin menu when you're a user in the Root group.
Clicking the (X) for the debug image upload option should cause an "Enable" link to appear in its place.
These issues are pretty odd. Possible causes:
- Theme issue - are you using the Professional theme that shipped with 1.6.1?
- lib-common.php is not up to date - make sure you use the one that ships with 1.6.1
bye, Dirk
Thanks again for taking the time, Dirk.
Yes, I am using the Professional theme as well as the lib-common.php file that shipped with 1.6.1.
However, remember that I've been using Geeklog on my site continuously since August 2004 and have been through many upgrades and tweaks over the years, mostly SEO related issues. There is a possibility that I have another older no longer valid file running around out there somewhere that could be causing problems. And you're right, there are all kinds of little buggy issues that look theme and layout related.
Now I'm going to go back and strip out all of the older plugins (such as GLMenu and Forum) that might be causing some problems or conflicts. Once I get a basic load of GL 1.6.1 running without any major problems, then I can always go back and get fresh versions of those plugins and reload them if I want.
Now, on to the lib-common.php issue.
That's not right (or, I don't thing it should appear that way) - should it?
Looks like an issue with the language file then. This would also explain most (though not all) of the other effects you've described. Are you using the language files from 1.6.1? They contain lots of new text strings for the Configuration.
bye, Dirk
That's not right (or, I don't thing it should appear that way) - should it?
Looks like an issue with the language file then. This would also explain most (though not all) of the other effects you've described. Are you using the language files from 1.6.1? They contain lots of new text strings for the Configuration.
bye, Dirk
Yup, that was it. I had mistakenly installed the language files under the public_html directory, and not one level up where they should have been. That fixed a few of the presentation and layout problems. However, my problem with the Static Pages persists. One the top of the website I get an error message that says "Access to this page is denied. Either the page has been moved/removed or you do not have sufficient permissions." That's where a static page should appear. That's the next issue I'm working to fix. Since I installed the language files in the wrong place, now I'm going to check to see if I installed other files in the wrong place as well.
Sun 13 Dec 2009 18:07:32 EST - PHP in static pages is disabled. Can not display page.
How do I fix that?
Sun 13 Dec 2009 18:07:32 EST - PHP in static pages is disabled. Can not display page.
How do I fix that?
Configuration > Static Pages > Static Pages Main Settings > Allow PHP
bye, Dirk
Sun 13 Dec 2009 18:07:32 EST - PHP in static pages is disabled. Can not display page.
How do I fix that?
Configuration > Static Pages > Static Pages Main Settings > Allow PHP
bye, Dirk
I still think there's some kind of a problem with the way the Configuration is presenting on the page. For example the option you describe, "Allow PHP" currently does not appear. This is what I see on the screen (simple copy and paste) under the Static Pages option;
Enable Meta Tags (?)
What's New Block
New Static Page Interval (?)
Hide New Static Pages (?)
Title Trim Length (?)
Include Center Block Static Pages (?)
Include Static Pages with PHP (?)
Search Results
Enable Static Pages in Search (?)
Include Center Block Static Pages (?)
Include Static Pages with PHP (?)
I know this is wrong, because I have another website running GL 1.6.02b and in the same area appears the "Allow PHP" option you describe;
Allow PHP? (?)
Sort Centerblocks by (?)
Sort Menu Entries by (?)
Delete Pages with Owner? (?)
Wrap Pages in Block? (?)
Show Hits? (?)
Show Date? (?)
Filter HTML? (?)
Censor Content? (?)
After Saving Page (?)
Max. Pages in Webservices Feed (?)
Default Permissions
Page Default Permissions[0]
Page Default Permissions[1]
Page Default Permissions[2]
Page Default Permissions[3]
Therefore, I still don't have a good basic install running, so it makes it much harder to fix the presentation problems.
No doubt about it, I am not getting a proper presentation of the Configuration sections. Apparently these are generated with javascript?
Help. Meekly asking for help. Begging. I can't get my site up and correctly configured until these issues are resolved. And, I don't know what else to do.
I am now officially and completely out of bright ideas.
This is exactly the kind of crap that drives me crazy with this software. It works perfectly, as long as you're not actually using it in the field.
And you can fix it, as long as you are a computer programmer who can write code in six languages.
The frustrating part is - I know the program is doing exactly what I'm telling it to do. And, somewhere something is incorrectly installed. However, I now don't know where else to look or what else to do. I'm still broken, and I can't get any answers or even a hint that will point me in the right direction.
"Frustrating" is an understatement.
The first thing I would try is to reinstall the backup of the database and run the upgrade again. Watch out for any errors that may pop up during that process.
bye, Dirk
I can certainly understand how frustrating this must be, but I haven't seen such massive problems with an upgrade recently. The install script and the upgrade process have really been thoroughly tested and shouldn't cause these sorts of problems.
The first thing I would try is to reinstall the backup of the database and run the upgrade again. Watch out for any errors that may pop up during that process.
bye, Dirk
I don't want to start messing with the database, because so far there has been nothing whatsoever to indicated any kinds of problems with the data. For example, all of the articles are there, just fine.
The problem seems to be with the rendering or presentation of the Configuration section. For example, this whole thing started because I can't see the Static Pages. I can't see the Static Pages because I can't get into the Configuration section to change the setting to "Allow PHP". I'm fairly confident that when that happens, or then the Static pages will reappear.
You said "The install script and the upgrade process have really been thoroughly tested and shouldn't cause these sorts of problems." I agree, and so far every problem I've been able to resolve on my own was due to some old piece of script or code left over from an earlier installation somewhere else on the server. I've been going back and deleting that stuff hoping that my lingering problems will be resolved, and that all of a sudden I'll be able to see the entire and complete Configuration screen.
How about this - How is the Configuration screen created or rendered for the Static Page section. In fact, most of the different areas of the Configuration screens all have problems, so whatever is causing one is probably causing all of them. How are they created? What files are used? It's javascript, right? What might be causing a conflict?
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