Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Wednesday, December 25 2024 @ 08:25 pm EST
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Remove "Image Tab" from Story Editor
Hey Guys,
Since all my Geeklog installations include Gallery, and all registered users have a Gallery Album for uploading content, I don't want the "Images Tab" appearing in the Story Editor. It is confusing people on where to upload images and content. What is the easiest/best way to remove that Tab and functionality from the editor?
Since all my Geeklog installations include Gallery, and all registered users have a Gallery Album for uploading content, I don't want the "Images Tab" appearing in the Story Editor. It is confusing people on where to upload images and content. What is the easiest/best way to remove that Tab and functionality from the editor?
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In fckeditor/myconfig.js you'll see arrays of buttons. You can actually totally customize which buttons you want and where.
Dan, did you see I'm finally adding gallery search results into geeklog searches?
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com
Dan, did you see I'm finally adding gallery search results into geeklog searches?
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com
I believe you are talking about the Image Properties dialog in FCKeditor. I have adjusted the config.js to prevent this dialog from showing the "Upload" button.
But I am asking how I can remove the Images tab correctly from the Story Editor like in the linked photo.
This area for embedding images in stories has been useless for me for over 5 years.
Thanks for any direction.
I SEE that you are now pulling Gallery content into search. This is something I am definitely needing for the sites. Though it seems you haven't gotten all of your questions answered in the posts. I'll read up on the discussion and see if I can implement it too.
Thanks again,
But I am asking how I can remove the Images tab correctly from the Story Editor like in the linked photo.
This area for embedding images in stories has been useless for me for over 5 years.
Thanks for any direction.
I SEE that you are now pulling Gallery content into search. This is something I am definitely needing for the sites. Though it seems you haven't gotten all of your questions answered in the posts. I'll read up on the discussion and see if I can implement it too.
Thanks again,
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myconfig.js lists all the buttons visible by toolbar:
FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["editor-toolbar2"] = [ ['Source','-','Undo','Redo','-','Link','Unlink','-','Bold','Italic','Underline','StrikeThrough', '-','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyFull', '-','OrderedList','UnorderedList','Outdent','Indent'],
] ;
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com
FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["editor-toolbar2"] = [ ['Source','-','Undo','Redo','-','Link','Unlink','-','Bold','Italic','Underline','StrikeThrough', '-','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyFull', '-','OrderedList','UnorderedList','Outdent','Indent'],
] ;
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com
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Location:Champaign, Illinois
admin/story.php lines ~371 & 378
comment out similar lines
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com
Text Formatted Code
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[82],'showhideEditorDiv("images",2);return false;',true);comment out similar lines
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com
Thanks! Looks perfect.
Dirk, I think this should be a Configuration setting for Stories. As I said, I haven't used that Images tab for over 5 years. Though the line #'s were a bit different for me, I commented out the lines. I'm running 1.6.1 too, so I don't know why the line # would be different.
$navbar = new navbar;
if (!empty ($previewContent)) {
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[79],'showhideEditorDiv("preview",0);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[80],'showhideEditorDiv("editor",1);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[81],'showhideEditorDiv("publish",2);return false;',true);
// $navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[82],'showhideEditorDiv("images",3);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[83],'showhideEditorDiv("archive",4);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[84],'showhideEditorDiv("perms",5);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[85],'showhideEditorDiv("all",6);return false;',true);
} else {
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[80],'showhideEditorDiv("editor",0);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[81],'showhideEditorDiv("publish",1);return false;',true);
// $navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[82],'showhideEditorDiv("images",2);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[83],'showhideEditorDiv("archive",3);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[84],'showhideEditorDiv("perms",4);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[85],'showhideEditorDiv("all",5);return false;',true);
Here's a sample of what I was going for. SAMPLE
Now the users are restricted to using external sources for images or they need to use Gallery to upload content. Brilliant!
Thanks again!
Dirk, I think this should be a Configuration setting for Stories. As I said, I haven't used that Images tab for over 5 years. Though the line #'s were a bit different for me, I commented out the lines. I'm running 1.6.1 too, so I don't know why the line # would be different.
Text Formatted Code
if ($advanced_editormode) {$navbar = new navbar;
if (!empty ($previewContent)) {
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[79],'showhideEditorDiv("preview",0);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[80],'showhideEditorDiv("editor",1);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[81],'showhideEditorDiv("publish",2);return false;',true);
// $navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[82],'showhideEditorDiv("images",3);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[83],'showhideEditorDiv("archive",4);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[84],'showhideEditorDiv("perms",5);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[85],'showhideEditorDiv("all",6);return false;',true);
} else {
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[80],'showhideEditorDiv("editor",0);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[81],'showhideEditorDiv("publish",1);return false;',true);
// $navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[82],'showhideEditorDiv("images",2);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[83],'showhideEditorDiv("archive",3);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[84],'showhideEditorDiv("perms",4);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[85],'showhideEditorDiv("all",5);return false;',true);
Here's a sample of what I was going for. SAMPLE
Now the users are restricted to using external sources for images or they need to use Gallery to upload content. Brilliant!
Thanks again!
Does the tab "Show all" will let users access the images uploader area
I just noticed that Show All isn't working correctly after this adjustment. I attempted to comment out Show All as well. As shown below.
Text Formatted Code
if ($advanced_editormode) {$navbar = new navbar;
if (!empty ($previewContent)) {
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[79],'showhideEditorDiv("preview",0);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[80],'showhideEditorDiv("editor",1);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[81],'showhideEditorDiv("publish",2);return false;',true);
// $navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[82],'showhideEditorDiv("images",3);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[83],'showhideEditorDiv("archive",4);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[84],'showhideEditorDiv("perms",5);return false;',true);
// $navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[85],'showhideEditorDiv("all",6);return false;',true);
} else {
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[80],'showhideEditorDiv("editor",0);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[81],'showhideEditorDiv("publish",1);return false;',true);
// $navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[82],'showhideEditorDiv("images",2);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[83],'showhideEditorDiv("archive",3);return false;',true);
$navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[84],'showhideEditorDiv("perms",4);return false;',true);
// $navbar->add_menuitem($LANG24[85],'showhideEditorDiv("all",5);return false;',true);
Though when I do this, the "Permissions" tab stops working. Their must be some relationship between the number of tabs or the order. I am not sure since I don't understand PHP. I would like to remove "Show All" as well after looking at it. I like the separation of Tasks for creating a story. IE: Editor, Publish Options, Archive Options, & Permissions.
Perhaps suprsidr or Dirk can take another look at this. For now I just left Show All visible. So that the Permissions tab will continue to work.
Yep that fixed the issue.
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