Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, March 13 2025 @ 04:23 am EDT

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Builder Theme for Geeklog 1.7 / Gallery 2.3.1 / G2Bridge


Hi Geekloggers.

I have finally released a beta version of my Builder theme. I encourage anyone who wishes to download and test it out to give it a go! Though you can install the Geeklog theme by itself, the Gallery theme does require Geeklog in order to support the CSS correctly. Also please note, that Blaine's awesome glMenu plugin is required for this theme.

Please note, I am using Flash for Topic titles. This is a proof of concept to illustrate what is/may be possible with HTML5 and custom fonts in the future. So if you hate Flash, please don't install this theme. Their is an 800/480 mobile friendly CSS in this theme too. So if you're on a late-model Android phone, you may enjoy taking a look as well. Mobile resolutions and layout is a bit tricky for and it needs work to be compatible with other resolutions, tablets, and yes, iPhone. I would welcome some help with this.



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Hi Daniel,

There is a lot requirements

You will need to make sure that you have the GLMENU PLUGIN for Geeklog (use ProCSS in glmenu's configuration), along with the IMAGE BLOCK module for Gallery BOTH installed and working

I'm not sure to install all this to give you some feedback but thanks you for sharing your hard work.

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS


Quote by: cordiste
There is a lot requirements

Indeed their are a few. Though for Geeklog, the only requirement is just glMenu.

I understand this theme isn't for everyone or maybe anyone. It's just an idea for those who want the power of Gallery and a clean UI with minimal links. The theme is to allow people to focus on the content of the blog and Gallery.

Some may wonder why I am using Geeklog, Gallery, & G2Bridge, instead of using glFusion. The answer is simple. Reliability in Gallery and the absence of mootools in Geeklog. We all know that both/either Geeklog and glFusion both blow away any other CMS, so the question for me is really down to (default) UI and flow. With my limited programming skills, I am using Geeklog.

Thanks for taking the time to look.

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I like what I see.

I will have to install it on my development server and check it out.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.


Thanks for the support Tom. Smile

I'll be eager to hear what your feedback is once you've got it up and running.

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