Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, February 23 2025 @ 06:28 am EST

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staticpages plugin in 2.2.2



I'm just doing a dry run of updating a 2.1.3 geeklog site to 2.2.2, and nearly everything is perfect, the static pages plugin has been bumped up from 1.6.9 to 1.7.3

The one issue I have is that I have url_rewrite turned on, and historically we'd have all the links to static pages formatted as:


which now gives a 404 error. The following both work fine:


but because we'll have a whole lot of existing pages in the first form indexed with google etc, I don't really want to have to change that throughout the site and have the search engines have to reindex it all etc

is this a bug? is there a quick fix?



digging a bit more, it looks like I have the same issue with links, eg


no longer works, but both



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Site Admin
Registered: 09/27/05
Posts: 1474
They are working on Geeklog.net the way you want. For example:


So my guess it is either a Geeklog Configuration settings, URL Routing settings or maybe a htaccess issue.

Here are the docs:


Geeklog.net Configuration settings are:

Enabled URL Rewrite: True
Enable URL Routing: Disabled

Maybe your URL Routing is enabled as when it is the default routing looks like

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.


Hi Laugh,

thanks for the reply.

URL routing is enabled, but it was when I was running 2.1.3 too, and prior to updating to 2.2.2 urls of the forms


definitely worked fine, but now definitely don't. AFAICT mode_rewrite & .htaccess etc are the same for both sites.

I've updated links now, so will keep with the new URL styles and let the search engines re-index to pick up the new links

thanks again

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